LOTR TV series is looking for “short, weird, tall, hairy hairy hairy” people to play orcs

lotr casting

Move away good looking people, this is the time for weird people, as BGT New Zealand is looking for the weirdest and hairiest people around. First published in October, BGT ad is live again, and they need more people looking like the gentleman below.

The guy is obviously a winner, but they need more of you weird people, read the list below:

1. short people under 4 foot 12
2. Tall people over 6 foot 5 –
3. Character faces, wrinkles and lots of them please 
4. Androgynous men and women
5. Hairy hairy people of all ages and ethnicities
6. Tall, Long Lithe dancers
7. Circus performers who can juggle, stilt walk!
8. Stocky mean-looking bikers
9. Eurasian people of all ages.
10. Hispanic – Latino, Mexican, South American –
11. Red heads all ages, shapes and sizes.
12. HAIR HAIR HAIR – if you natural red hair, white hair, or lots and lots of freckles.

If you think you fall under any of these categories you can apply at BGT website or via their FB page.

If you are in Auckland you can see them in person (Auckland film studios at,1/3 Rabone street, Henderson). You can alternatively mail Evelina at evelina@bgt.nz