Heathrow Airport is aghost town


London’s Heathrow Airport, which traditionally records the highest passenger traffic in Europe, said the number of passengers was estimated to have dropped by about 97% in April and would remain low as governments ruled that air travel was safe.

For the first quarter, the airport’s operating revenue fell 12.7% to 3 593 million ($ 745 million) and adjusted earnings before interest, taxes, interest and depreciation (EBITDA) fell 22.4% to 315%. million pounds.

Heathrow said it has a. 3.2 billion liquidity, which is enough to keep it running for at least the next 12 months, even without passengers.

The corona pandemic may lead to a 1.2 billion drop in the number of passengers who will travel by air until September.

This assessment was made in comparison with the movement of a normal year, by the International Civil Aviation Organization (DOPA).

“The total number of international airline passengers could be reduced by 1.2 billion by September 2020,” the UN said in a statement. ” The largest decrease in the number of passengers is expected in Europe , especially during the summer, when there is a lot of traffic, followed by that in the Asia-Pacific region,” he said.

Airlines’ capacity may also be significantly reduced and their revenues shrink by $ 160-253 billion in the first nine months of the year, according to the ILO. Now the reduction of passengers provided is equal to two thirds of the traffic.

In February, when the epidemic still seemed to be confined to China, DOPA estimated that the missing revenue for airlines would be around “$ 4 billion to $ 5 billion” worldwide. Since then, however, the spread of the pandemic worldwide has led to general cancellations of routes and the fixing of much of the international fleet of passenger aircraft on the ground.