World-class stocks trading at a historic discount: PHM and HLF


Empowered Funds LLC boosted its stake in shares of PulteGroup, Inc. (NYSE:PHM) by 22.4% in the 1st quarter, according to its most recent disclosure with the SEC. The institutional investor owned 77,763 shares of the construction company’s stock after acquiring an additional 14,212 shares during the period. PulteGroup accounts for 1.0% of Empowered Funds LLC’s portfolio, making the stock its 13th largest holding. Empowered Funds LLC’s holdings in PulteGroup were worth $1,736,000 as of its most recent filing with the SEC.

How did PHM perform lately?

Shares of PulteGroup stock opened at $24.27 on Friday. The firm’s 50 day moving average price is $29.13 and its 200-day moving average price is $37.70. The company has a quick ratio of 0.81, a current ratio of 0.81 and a debt-to-equity ratio of 0.51. PulteGroup, Inc. has a 52-week low of $17.12 and a 52-week high of $47.37. The company has a market cap of $6.45 billion, a P/E ratio of 6.63, a PEG ratio of 0.77 and a beta of 1.13.

What about HerbaLife share price?

Empowered Funds LLC bought a new position in shares of Herbalife Nutrition Ltd (NYSE:HLF) in the 1st quarter, according to its most recent 13F filing with the Securities & Exchange Commission. The institutional investor bought 60,522 shares of the company’s stock, valued at approximately $1,765,000. Herbalife Nutrition comprises approximately 1.0% of Empowered Funds LLC’s investment portfolio, making the stock its 12th largest position.

Shares of Herbalife Nutrition stock opened at $30.81 on Friday. The business has a 50-day moving average price of $30.11 and a two-hundred day moving average price of $39.81. Herbalife Nutrition Ltd has a 1-year low of $20.73 and a 1-year high of $54.37. The company has a market cap of $4.56 billion, a P/E ratio of 14.13 and a beta of 0.75.